she wanted houndstooth, so we flipped my old design..

[process] into this colorway instead.

as an artist myself, im a big fan of all arts in general. from spoken word, dance, graffiti, cosmetology, music, fashion, photography, you name it! anything that allows the human being to express themselves creatively, i love & i support it 100%. art is beautiful. to ever wonder what inspires that artist to do what they love & to put it out there to share with the world.. the time put in, the passion that it takes, the heart of the hustle they use to pursue their craft. it truly amazes me. im that one fan who sits back in deep thought & i appreciates it all.
with that said, i appreciate fafi. theses fafinette vixens are internationally spotted around the globe. theyre notorious for their rebel boss bitch swagger, "innocent" childlike features, & body so baaangin, itll wanna put kim kardashian's ass in check. i also love how each fafi plays a role for every girl in every race! whats there not to love when fafi is a little bit of everything?
rolling back down memory lane, i actually dressed up as a fafinette for my 22nd birthday [circa oct 2008].