(via whattheHELLZ)
Who are you?
I go by Ashley Sade. Sade's my middle name, not my last & it's pronounced just like the smooth operator.What do you do?
I'm creative & I love to hustle.
Fashion design grad.
Freelance hairstylist.
& Freelance nail arti$t.
Cosmetology school? None taken. I taught myself everything I know.
Where are you from?
I rep the bay areaaaaaaa!
Why do you love hellz?
Well first off, I truly look up to Misslawn & pretty much consider her one of my biggest idols. Second, I love live breathe eat sleep shit the streetwear & sneaker culture. For brands, men have it on lock. But for females, we dont have much to choose from in this culture to represent ourselves. Sure there's a few to name, but none can deniy that Hellz is mos def ahead of the game & straight killin' it. Like we say, fuck the rest!
What drew you to the brand?
It started wit the tees. Dope photography, raw images, ill graphics. The transition of coffin shaped Hellz tags, matches, to broken bottles. Even that tiny label placed on the bottom left of every piece that says, "Every garment fuckin guaranteed, aunthetic shit!." I was sold from day one; been loyal eversince & my obsession has definately forced me to break bread but I aint complainin' ;]
Describe your style:
Hellz, nails did, hood jewerly, & sneakers. Nuff' said.If you didn't rock Hellz, who would you be rockin?
If Hellz Bellz didn't exist, I'd be rockin' whoever else has streetwear for females. Like.. Dimepiece, MOB, Stussy, Tens, Rockers, Mama, 10xdeep, Free Gold Watch, Crooks & Castles, etc.What's the funniest/dirtiest/most embarassing moment you've ever had when you were wearing Hellz?
I wore the 'peace makes $ense' tee to Kanye's Glow In the Dark tour, & of course I pre-dranked. But my ass ended up consuming waaaaaay too much alky, cuz I was seriously DOIN' THE MOST. I stumbled everywhere, sat in the wrong seat then yacked in it, accidently sat on someone else, & security almost fuckn kicked me out. Yikes, too live! Haha.. Don't judge me.What collection of Hellz do you think is the best?
Damn. Do I have to choose? Misslawn kills it every collection.When was the first time you discovered Hellz?
It was back in '06, when I was still going to school at College of Alameda. My classmate told me about this boutique in the area, called "District Footwear" & said I should roll by cuz they got shit in there he knew I'd love. & that nigga was right.. Hellz Bellz sittin' pretty on the racks as foreal love at first site.
..aw, too bad they didnt post the rest of my photos for the hellz girl of the week interview. my 'what do you do?', 'describe your style', & embarrassing story woulda made more sense. but oh well, you guys get to see the full shit on here! regardless im more than happy and fuckn honored to be featured on the whattheHELLZ blog. thanks to britt & the rest of the hellz fam <3
P.S. shout out to my new follower shade! homegirl gets extra brownie points for featuring me on her blog ;]